Whats’s the best way to write about Lina Baby Doll? Inspired by his last album, ‘Alcohology’, we worked till 04:00 in the morning with Christos to finish the interview, drinking whiskey and laughing with stories and confessions. “Alcohology Superior” said Peter Andersonn, the man behind Deutsch Nepal who, once more, didn’t hesitate to name and include his own passions into his music just like he has been doing for the the last 25 years. Is the truth disturbing? Not for Lina…
After many years, almost 17, the top names of old Cold Meat Industry roster, gather again for ETOR festival in Athens. What do you think of this fest? Ain’ t it kind of a surprise that this happens in a country like Greece?
L: I think it’s totally great that we are “forced” back and everyone is doing their best to make it a really special event. It is a surprise, like with everything that happens around this group of people that we’ll meet again under the Sun of Hellas. Also, there are new acts added to the line-up and I am really looking forward to experiencing their performances on stage. The fact that this is going to take place in Greece is also good as people can take the chance to see some of the country along with Athens and the festival. There’s a lot to see …an Industrial Vacation in Greece.
It seems that you have been inspired for the name of your project from Amon Düüll’s song ‘Deutsch Nepal’. Is that right? Does this mean you had certain influences from such krautrock and progressive rock bands in your development as a musician?
L: Yes! I’ve been a big fan of Krautrock and I guess it influenced me a lot. I also started to make recordings with a Croatian band called Jastreb producing music more in that direction.
Let’s go almost two decades back, Deutsch Nepal’s collaboration with The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud gave birth to more than an amazing three-song EP called ‘A Night in Fear‘. I cannot even imagine what a great work that would have been if it were a full album. Hard work, high inspiration or perfect chemistry, do you believe, led to that result?
L: I don’t know we just had a lot of time in our hands and then I spent a lot of time in their hometown, Vienna. I guess we got bored drinking beer one evening and started to record. It was meant to be a full album with this material included but also at that same time Albin and Alzbeth broke up The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud, and their relationship, so the album never happened.
Talking about collaborations, you also worked together with Der Blutharsch, you released a split album with In Slaughter Natives and you did this wonderful song called ‘Flame’ together with Reutoff. And, because the results are exceptional, does this mean that you generally enjoy working with other musicians?
L: To be honest, I feel bored doing stuff by myself as Deutsch Nepal. I would love to develop into a constellation of people working together. But, again, that might change what Deutsch Nepal is- I might have to clone myself into multiple Linas. Also, it is hard to make it work as I live in the middle of nowhere in the woods. My solution has been to do collaborations whenever I have the possibility and I’m really grateful that people want me to do it.
Does it sometimes happen that people confuse you with Raison D’être’s Peter Andersson as you have the exact same name? Tell us a few things about your common project Bocksholm- which could also be named The Peter Anderssons Conspiracy.
L: [Laughing] we always get mixed up but it doesn’t really matter; we just pass the contacts and messages on to one another, we are used to it. Bocksholm is a conceptual project we started when I moved back to our childhood neighbourhood that is a small town in middle south Sweden. From the start, it was mainly built on field recordings in that village and it still is. Later, I moved back to Gothenburg and the activities slowly decreased. The last few years we only met in the summer to drink and do small recording sessions. The latest news is that Peter moved back to Bocksholm so it might change back to its original concept but I would have to go to his house this time.
You have released a new really cool-titled album recently, ‘Alcohology‘. So what’s next, a little time of rest before the next creative step or are you already working on new material? Is creativity an ongoing, never-ending process or not?
L: For me the creative process is complicated. I know what is needed to be done but I’m too lazy to do it. Then, when I start the results come out as a discharge. Every time I think: Why didn’t I start earlier? But it’s great fun to release on my own label and have more contact with the people listening to my music; again I think: Why didn’t I do this before? Just to let you know, this time I already started with new stuff and in the meanwhile there was a compilation published with more odd stuff and collaborations called ‘Dystopian Partycollection II‘, on my label, Entartete Musikk.
You like experimenting with sounds a lot. Do you think music is something that can come out by merely using musical equipment?
L: Musical equipment has only a small impact on what I do. The most important thing is what you do with what you have. In some sense I just do it. Then the idea starts to crystallize. Questions about what you want to express and how you want to say it become more important than having the right equipment for it.
Any advice for emerging musicians inspired by your work?
L: Just do it! Just go on with what you do. When we started this in the late 80s, it was a movement where we exchanged audio cassettes and suddenly people wanted to buy them! Roger Karmanik wanted to start a label and, to be honest, I thought he was mad! [Laughing] To be stubborn is an asset.
Did you ever think of trying to reach a wider audience? Actually, could it ever be possible for such music genres to reach a wider audience?
L: On the contrary, I guess we tried to be as inbound, impossible and as exclusive as possible and, as it feels today, it was successful in some way. In these old post-punk days everybody was looking for the new extreme.
1991-2016, 25 years of Deutsch Nepal! Could you share with us a really bad and a really great moment you had all those years?
L: I wish I had those years again. I had a good life till now and hope for more. What can be bad about travelling the world and having a lot of fun with weird people? I guess the saddest moment was the live in Moscow with Der Blutharsch as it was an end of so many things. The greatest is every time you manage to have a concert and thinking afterwards: It worked. This is a fragile matter.
So what’s next for Deutsch Nepal?
L: There is so much to be done, so many ideas in the making. I hope to make the full-length with Reutoff and get it ready for release. There are also some more collaborations in progress and a new album from Deutsch Nepal as well; but it usually takes five years to produce one… we’ll see!
Anastasia Andreadou