
Three tracks that need to be listened. Three tracks “buzzzing”. Hand-picked by Last Day Deaf for you…

Artist: CANVAS

Track: ‘Rituals’

Genre: electronica, bass music

It’s not a hyperbole to say that bass music cannot get much better than the latest track from CANVAS, ‘Rituals‘. This is an instant classic, while in the same time, it sounds so familiar. From its secretive intro to the chaotic basslines and the addictive arpeggio. Ladies & Gents, welcome CANVAS. She’s ready to “conquer”….


Artist: Ramone Henry

Track: ‘Honey’

Genre: folk, acoustic

We couldn’t agree more from this description: “Raw, Raspy, and Unreal. Catchy lyrics over sweet guitar strum patterns.” Ramone Henry comes from Jamaica (as stated on SubmitHub), and he creates music with really little equipment. A microphone, a guitar and Ramone singing/performing/feeling.

Is this enough? I bet it is, since ‘Honey‘ is a haunting acoustic ballad, unlike most clean-cut ones, straight from the dark inner. If you ever loved somebody, give this raw “beast” a try!


Artist: Ducks!

Track: ‘Top Horse’

Genre: disco, experimental

This is not the first time for the Berlin-based Aussies Ducks! to be presented on Last Day DeafLani Bagley & Craig Schuftan recently aired ‘Top Horse’, featuring some excellent spoken words by Sarianna Pylkännen, Milla-Mari Pylkkänen, Julia Camilleri, Luke Cucciardi, Anastasia Caruana & of course Lani.

Top Horse‘ is some really weird disco ready to move your bum, featuring “galloping percussion, flying guitars, theremin outbursts of the ‘woo-woo’ variety, and a choir of angels singing glorious nonsense at the top of their lungs“. Are you ready for a ride with this “top horse”? We bet you are…


Check also:

Buzzz, (14/07/2018)

Buzzz, (21/07/2018)

Curated by: Christos Doukakis