
With 1.7 million people dying every year from Tuberculosis (TB) and one-third of the world infected, the time to act is now!

Starting at 00.00 till midnight (GMT+1) on March 24th, 2017,  World TB Day, we will have the chance to enjoy non-stop 48 concerts from Stazione di Topolò/Global Health Incubator and all around the world by connecting to ToBe Continued website. During the musical event musicians from more than 40 countries will be connected to a website that will broadcast their concerts. The website is www.stazioneditopolo.it.

ToBe Continued Festival during World TB Day, that is organized for the eighth time this year, is coordinated by Antonio Della Marina, musician and computer music composer, and by Moreno Miorelli, artistic director of the annual gathering “Stazione di Topolò/Postaja Topolove”. The whole initiative is under the aegis of the Global Health Incubator, the ‘laboratory’ established in July 2009 in Topolò, Italy to create links between the world of creativity and science.

This year there will be musicians from Cameroon, Thailand, Ecuador, Chile, Costa Rica, New Zealand, China, India, Iraq, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Egypt, USA, Indonesia, Japan, Canada, Singapore, South Korea, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, Emirates, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Ireland, Slovenia, Greece, Slovakia, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Latvia, France, Austria, Macedonia, Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, England creating a symbolical tour of the world with 48 stops. Each musician has a 30 minute slot, creating a relay of sound that will range from klezmer to classical music, from ambient to experimental music, from jazz to ethno.

Following you can see the lineup starting on from March 24th at 00:00 (GMT+1):

Bernurits – The mument (LV) / MBasix + Chris Silver T (GR) / Mia Zabelka (AT) / Tony Dimitrov + Amplidyne Effect (MK) / Radwan Ghazi Moumneh (CA) / Daniel Blinkhorn (AU) / Nathaniel Bartlett (US) / Simon Coates (AE) / Cluster Ensamble (SK) / Pavel Gvozd (BY) / RRayen (AR) / Renzo Peressi (VE) / Mehdi Permanoon (AM) / Aisha Orazbayeva (UK) / Marchissio (DE) / Mehdi Hesamizadeh (IR) / Roomet Jakapi (EE) / Johannes Bergmark (SE) / Mauricio Takara (BR) / Youssef Abouzeid (EG) / Pedro Branco (PT) / Alexei Borisov (RU) / Tünde Jakab (AT) / Neil Quigley (IE) / Ji-Yeon Kim (KR) / Charlotte Parallel and Jon He (SG) / Antonio Della Marina (IT) / PureH (SI) / Sun Wei (CN) / Mounaeir Kiers (IN) / Guram Machavariani (GE) / Wayab Pluh (BG) / Mauricio Fonseca (CR) / Ujjaya (FR) / Karen Skog (NO) / The Ladder is Part of the Pit (NZ) / Banda Junistra (ID) / Somnoroase Pasarele (RO) / Marcelo Maira (CL) / Fidel Eljuri (EC) / Simon van Gend Band (ZA) / Alexander Balanescu (UK) / Amotken (MX) / Javier Piñango (ES) / Gamardah Fungus (UA) / Kin Ko’n Kan (JP) / Medicos Jazz Big Band (CM)

Anybody can listen to the 24h marathon as long as an internet connection is available, by connecting to the website www.stazioneditopolo.it.

In addition, the project includes several public listening points: bars, libraries, cultural centers, art galleries, shops, web radio, all listed on the website, that will broadcast the concert. More information can be found on their website.

Malina Tzachristou