Urs Wild is a musician and sound designer from Switzerland working on multiple ambient music declinations. ‘Hidden Universe‘ is his first full length album, and it’s the first individual release of Eighth Tower Records. The Urs Wild ambient music is fluid and cinematic. His eidetic textures tell us a story that is never really unveiled, but at the boundaries of an abstract consciousness of something we barely perceive. Something that is confined into a hidden universe. A dark minimalism, crossed by “gentle” noise and oblique synth passages, that explores the territories of space, ritual and dark ambient.
Additional link: soundcloud.com/urswild
© Eighth Tower Records
Mastering: Sonologyst
Artwork: editing of John Martin‘s painting
“Heaven and Hell” by Black Space Industry
© All rights reserved
Mastering: Sonologyst
Artwork: editing of John Martin‘s painting
“Heaven and Hell” by Black Space Industry
© All rights reserved