The latest video ‘Far Away Truths‘ by The Strokes‘ rhythm guitarist Albert Hammond Jr is a finely-calibrated, flawless work of art! Starting from the video (directed by Justyna Hammond Jr.) which contains the stunning lighting Design and direction by Tobias Rylander, and is pure delight to watch. Music-wise, Albert doesn’t go much further from his main “gang”, maintaining the straightforward indie rock character, full of melodic patterns, and continuous, rhythmic pulse. Furthermore, he could be considered the “American Alex Turner“.
With highly regarded influences such as The Beach Boys, Frank Black, Guided By Voices, John Lennon, and The Velvet Underground among others, his art could not be nothing less than reliably-solid.
‘Far Away Truths‘ is taken from Albert Hammond Jr’s fourth solo album ‘Francis Trouble‘.
‘something ‘bout the rules you attract
don’t tell me that you made it up
we can always screw with the facts
don’t tell me that i’ve seen enough
cause if I saw nothing why would I look twice‘
So….take it or leave it!
Christos Doukakis