Terry Papadinas died yesterday. He was an extremely talented musician and an influential icon in Greek rock music. Born in Greece in 1951 and raised in New York, Terry Papadinas returned to Thessaloniki in 1967 bringing with him the American style, the NY way of living in a country that currently was under martial law (junta). Influenced by Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, The Velvet Underground and all the American bands of the era, started his own group (Fratelli) in 1968 and played with very important names of the Greek scene. Later on he became a cult figure in music having influenced his own generation like few others had. His name had become a legend along with his music. A true talent and an uncompromising personality, he passed away poor among his few belongings— 1-2 guitars, a bed, a glass of wine— in a very small apartment.
That’s all. R.I.P., dear Terry, go and jam in heavens, you will be missed and strongly remembered.
Mike Dimitriou
With his later band Bicycle:
From the soundtrack of the documentary “T4 Trouble And The Self Admiration Society” by Dimitris Athiridis: