9+1 Q&A with Sonny Elliot
What inspired you to first start making music? And how did you come to be in your current incarnation? Or if you prefer, a brief …
What inspired you to first start making music? And how did you come to be in your current incarnation? Or if you prefer, a brief …
Indie seduction will feature 10 cool indie (pop, rock, electro, psych…) songs, that every indie fan should discover asap. Episode 8: The Participants: EasyFriend– United …
This 4th edition of Ready to be your Soundtrack includes indie rock by Brit band Camens, innovative psych rock from Spirit Award, a slow-burner punk/alternative song by Cedar Park, an instant (& …
Also visit: Welcoming June with 10 cool “June” bands summer 2018 playlist Diorama – A warm up playlist before the synth pop ignition (June 9th, …
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