Formed initially in 1994 and reformed with a different line-up in 2001, Order Of The Ebon Hand, who have made a great impact in the Greek black metal scene, will appear at MODU at Black Spectrum event on November 20th, 2016.
It’s been a long time since your latest release ‘XV: The Devil’ (2005, Season of Mist). Tell us about the activity of the band so far.
Τhe main activity of the band, apart some scarce live performances has been recording our new album ‘VII: The Chariot’. It’s been some years, indeed, but we believe in the final Output of this Work, to be an Important one for our scene. You know, about our thinking it;s Quality over Quantity, and thus it should be for Black Metal. Darkthrone will be remembered for 3 Albums, Mayhem and Emperor for One, It IS and Should be this way.
Is Order Of The Ebon Hand a main project for its members, or is it a side project?
We always considered Order Of The Ebon Hand as our band, and up to now, proved it Live to be So. Black Metal is a music better understood, when one’s listening to it alone. When it helps a person focus on the importance of personal identity, towards the Astral. On a Live appearance, it’s more a Fierce thing, close to thrash or death metal, plus the theatric quantity, that can travel the audience into a different Stimulus.
The band is named after one card of the card-game “Magic: The Gathering”. Are your lyrics also about a world of fantasy?
We are all Lovers of Fantasy. And Indeed the band came to be Named after this game, but as you mention it that happened when we were just kids. After that, the name came to bare a different meaning for us. It took us some time to surpass the “google search”, being above that popular card’s game as well! Well, the lyrics of Order Of The Ebon hand, have nothing to do with fantasy as definition by a literature genre.
Your last album, and your work in general, follows a clear black metal path as it was in its early days. How are you going to move musically in the future? Is there any room for experimentation?
To be Honest, the cards themselves, as each of Order Of The Ebon Hand’s albums deal with a specific Tarot Card -being seen through a Metal perspective, that itself leaves a huge space for Expirimentation. On the other “hand”, Order Of The Ebon Hand, is a Black Metal band.
Regarding future plans, are you working on new material?
Yes, we are in a Huge dilemma between 2 Tarot Cards, which will define Our Next Release. “Justice” which in Our New Aeon allowance, as a figure we respect Crowley, did could be renamed as “Vengeance” by Us, or Alternatively “The High Priestess”. The material we are working on those 2 Cards is totally different, “vengeance” being more Fierce, and punchful, and “The High Priestess” being close to the more feminine and atmospheric area of Black Metal. We might end up, releasing those 2 Albums simultaneously.
You will be appearing this Sunday at MODU in the Black Spectrum event. This is your second time at the venue (last time was in June 2016). At this event Akrotheism also are going to appear, with whom you have shared a split release in 2013 (‘Behold The Sign Of A New Era/Generation Of Vipers’, Ewiges Eis Records). Tell us a few words about the event.
It is a good gig as all of the bands that will appear have an important presence to the scene. Serpent Noir is the main thing, and their presentation of their new atmospheric and mystical sounds. Akrotheism, have already drawn attention with their powerful new work, and Impure Worship have a distinct and personal sound. They are all bands, we are looking to work with in the future, apart from this appearance.
The last few years there are events like the upcoming one which are dedicated completely to the extreme metal sound. How important is it for artists like you who are involved in the scene for many years this kind of initiative?
Well, that’s not something new- if there’s one thing coming Good out of this country its Black Metal, it has always been like it some 20 years now. We are of course proud to be part of it, and have been in it since the early days.
Thank you for your time! Close this interview as you like…
Thank you as well for your Time, and Interest. Test Everything. Believe in Nothing.
Photo credits: Alexandra Alexiou
Mary Kalaitzidou