
Junkyard Shaman – ‘Mura’

Junkyard Shaman is the Jere Kilpinen‘s solo project from Finland. ‘Mura‘ is another live trip in the same spirit of tunes made by Käki, the open collective project run by this musician. Another cyclical flux of consciousness. Highly recommended.

The Serpent – ‘Corona Nyarlathotepis’

Eighth Tower Records released an aural tribute to the XXth century master of supernatural narrative, H.P.Lovecraft. The Serpent, a solo project from Greece, is one of the most interesting and barely known, coming from this compilation, featuring very underground and unknown names among well known artists. Suited for occult night listening.

Meglamancha – ‘Megaira

Meglamancha’s ‘Megara‘ album is darkly evocative, almost Gothic in terms of atmospheric pressure. I loved their track ‘Megaira‘, in which their sound conjures up visions of enormous, long-dead machines and otherworldly mechanics. Rust rather than dust. Their sound evolves slowly, building up, while different, overlapping fields of noise phase in and out.

 NUM – ‘Part I

Always innovative experiments from this Iranian duo, now established in Georgia. Unique atmospheres by combining processed acoustic sounds and natural sonic materials with electronics.

Psionic Asylum – ‘Where The Time Dies

The ambient music of Psionic Asylum from Russia tells about the visions of dying through the distorted prism of a decaying consciousness. The art of inner drones.

Drafted – ‘Nocturne

Included into the Obseqvium Records‘ compilation, mainly focused on techno industrial genre, this is an ambient tune with a high inner tension. Very emotional music by the Italian project Drafted.

Michael Bonaventure – ‘Birds Of Prayer

Michael Bonaventure is an avant garde composer from Scotland. Though reminiscent of academic tradition, especially about the organ compositions, his music can be extremely morphing and sometimes even hallucinated. Listen to ‘Birds Of Prayer‘ and you will have a proof.

James Watts – ‘Ambition

Spoken word, mixed with drone music is one of my favorite blend. This James Watts’ track was included in the recent Slow Clinic compilation; a collaborative project curated by Slow Clinic (James Edward Armstrong) exploring themes of depression, anxiety, and stress through spoken word, music, and creative sound design. The project is supported by the Mental Health Foundation, and has been released for Mental Health Awareness Week 2018, with 100% of the proceeds being donated to the supporting charity.

Giovanni Verga – ‘hypothesis O

Giovanni Verga is an avant garde musician from Italy. Based on no input mixer, field recordings, vinyl manipulation, objects and various manipulations, ‘hypothesis O‘ is quite a brilliant example of contemporary concrete music.

Ontervjabbit – ‘Torture Garden

Torture Garden‘ album is the sound interpretation of the book by the French author Octave Mirbeau (1848 – †1917), titled in French as “Le Jardin des Supplices” (1899). Delicious interpretation by the Ontervjabbit duo from Slovenia.


Nocturnal Anomalies, No.1

Curated by: Raffaele Pezzella (aka Sonologyst)