The first single from the upcoming album ‘YOUNG LIVING‘ by New York act Party Dark is one of those tracks that you (should) fall in love with, from its initial moments. ‘Fuck Me (Working Title)‘ is an indie electro hymn, with lush synths, great vocal work, relentless danceable mood and a catchy as hell refrain. Mikhail Shraga (synths) and Jeremy Winter (vocals, beats) pay their homage to some of the most memorable 80’s electro bands, gifting us with a reliably-solid track that will leave us singing in the shower for days this incredible “ho oh” (I bet they are not calling the avian Pokémon).
So folks, prepare for an anthem and needless to say that we feel more than happy for this exclusive.
‘Fuck Me (Working Title)‘:
Press Release:
Formed in New York City, Party Dark was born through the improvisational jams of Mikhail Shraga (Synths) and Jeremy Winter (Vocals, Beats) in September of 2014. Combining their mutual love of Portishead, the Stooges, and Krautrock, they created sprawling soundscapes invoking the darker corners of the house parties and clubs that exist endlessly throughout the metropolis. “Fuck Me (Working Title)” is the first single from their new release, Young Living. Due November 2nd, Young Living is an album about new age dystopia and the characters that inhabit its world.