Videordrome (yes LDD loves David Cronenberg’s cult flick!) will spotlight on the 10 videos we liked/played most the past few days. Some may wonder if video -ever- killed the radio star, well we believe not, however what is featured on these playlist series is centrally chosen cause of the music itself, and secondly for its imagery. So, let’s get it on!
Compiled by: Christos Doukakis
ARTIST: The Antlers
TRACKS: It Is What It Is
DIRECTORS: Derrick Belcham & Emily Terndrup
ARTIST: Hypoluxo
TRACK: Night Life
DIRECTORS: Molly Valdez & Judson Valdez
ARTIST: beastii
TRACK: Connect The Dots
DIRECTOR: Manis Góngora
ARTIST: Villages
TRACK: Upon The Horizon
ARTIST: Easter Island
TRACK: Always Room For Another
DIRECTOR: Ethan Payne
ARTISTS: Floral Image
TRACK: Why I Leave
DIRECTOR: Alberto Allica
ARTIST: Vukovar
TRACK: Here Are Lions
DIRECTOR: Rick Clarke
ARTIST: Zilverbacks
TRACK: Kamikaze Lullabies
ARTIST: The Vibes Lobbyists
TRACK: Dancing on the moon
DIRECTORS: Thomas Amen / Alexandre Rebout
ARTIST: Martin Gore
TRACK: Mandrill