Videordrome (yes LDD loves David Cronenberg’s cult flick!) will spotlight on the 10 videos we liked/played most the past few days. Some may wonder if video -ever- killed the radio star, well we believe not, however what is featured on these playlist series is centrally chosen cause of the music itself, and secondly for its imagery. So, let’s get it on!
Compiled by: Christos Doukakis
ARTIST: Dom Sith
TRACK: Playthrough of The End Times
DIRECTOR: Witch of The East
ARTIST: Washed Out
TRACK: Time to Walk Away
DIRECTOR: Riley Blakeway
ARTIST: Shadow Mcloud
TRACK: It’s Okay To Feel That Way
DIRECTORS: Shadow Mcloud & Chyna Riman (Co-Directed by Synista)
ARTIST: Night Shop
TRACK: The Cafe of Eternal Youth
DIRECTOR: Justin Sullivan
ARTIST: sym fera
TRACK: little things
DIRECTOR: Alexander Brown
TRACK: Shook Shook
DIRECTOR: Kento Yamada
ARTIST: Caleb Hurst
TRACK: (Baby) Blue
DIRECTOR: Logan Beckham
ARTIST: Billy Bonbon
TRACK: Belly Kiss
DIRECTOR: Félix Martinaud
ARTIST: Command Sisters
TRACK: I Like It
TRACK: Il venait d’avoir 20 ans ft. Biche
DIRECTOR: Peter The Moon – Scalpel Productions