Videordrome (yes LDD loves David Cronenberg’s cult flick!) will spotlight on the 10 videos we liked/played most the past few days. Some may wonder if video -ever- killed the radio star, well we believe not, however what is featured on these playlist series is centrally chosen cause of the music itself, and secondly for its imagery. So, let’s get it on!
Compiled by: Christos Doukakis
ARTIST: Sexual Purity
ARTIST: Ink Sticks & Stones
TRACK: Vaste V
DIRECTOR: Ai Rei Dooh-Tousignant
ARTIST: Robert John Hope
TRACK: Plasticine Heart
DIRECTOR: Gosha Loshadkin
ARTIST: Claire Rosinkranz
TRACK: Frankenstein
DIRECTOR: Ambar Navarro
ARTIST: Tory Vee
TRACK: Good Vibes (Feat Durrboy and Qbangga)
DIRECTOR: Jysa BP (shot)
ARTISTS: Carnival Youth
TRACK: Boys Do Cry [Kasetes Remix]
ARTIST: Klinger
TRACK: Horst
DIRECTOR: Timmi Davis
ARTIST: Always You
TRACK: Black City Nights
DIRECTOR: Nathan Castiel
ARTIST: Vocab Slick
TRACK: Atonement
DIRECTOR: Evan Croker
ARTIST: Hotel Decor
TRACK: Could It Take Me Any Longer
DIRECTOR: Dual Sense Films