
Age Coin ‘Performance‘ LP

Age Coin’s newest recording, ‘Performance,’ drenches industrial-infused techno in high definition details, divining a cracked bump & flex from the condensation of a joyride.

With a handful of tapes on Posh Isolation, as well as an album on Luke Younger’s Alter, Kristian Emdal and Simon Formann have developed a project whose momentum and reputation has steadily escalated, finding common ground between electro-acoustic methods and quantised club nights.

Both Emdal and Formann are best known as members of Lower (RIP), and both have since continued to devote themselves to a series of projects in the band’s wake. Emdal has lately pivoted his time around Marching Church, a band comprised of some of Copenhagen’s finest, whilst Formann has been working under the guise of Yen Towers, releasing his debut 12″ on Posh Isolation earlier this year.


“Trespassing on intimate territory,” says Emdal of their new recording, Age Coin “cuts a transparent path for everyone to come walking.”

“The album is ultimately a joint effort to process past as well as present experiences within father son relations. In order to make things tangible, scenes are drawn from memory and merged in a shared fictional collage.”

‘Performance’ thrillingly presents Emdal and Formann in a new cryptically lush aspect. There is a sense that one is watching a slide show—familiarity motions like the tide in the form of acoustic instrumentation, and porous synthesized terrains are crossed with a feeling, not a map, nor a memory. As one watches, the creeping ambience comes to be less an invasive sensation and more of a gravitational pull through time itself. It’s as effortless as it is disorientating, like being stalked by a relic.

Propellants ascend in to the foreground from all directions. Rhythmic NO2 afterglow comes in waves in reverse. Weightlessness is induced; and rebound.

“Take in the view or let yourself be part of the language. Let the engine run and dip in to the swampy collective intelligence. ‘Performance’ is a hybrid memorial for all domestic actions committed in the name of love.”

Croatian Amor ‘The World‘ LP

Long awaited reissue of Croatian Amor’s debut album from 2013. The World marked a switch in the project from the earliest tape experiments and this debut is in many ways a key release in the back catalogue of Posh Isolation. In 2013 the press text read;


“The World is the debut album by Croatian Amor, following a long row of limited tapes on Posh Isolation. The World utilizes the same method of collaged melodies and real sounds, as the project has done up until now, but on the debut LP the pieces feel more thought out. The album runs like a soundtrack on which the actors’ voices were never cut from the score, field recordings and synth blends together in a beautiful yet nauseating audio pool. 

Transit, plastic interior, insomnia, pornography and being alone. Being alone in large groups of people, being alone in thousands of years of civilisation, being alone in a lover’s bed copulating.

Euro magic, bubble-gum industrial, 1989. “