Terje Gravadal, Norwegian folk indie singer, has released ‘The Gambler’ a collection of five of Gravadal’s first ten singles. The EP is a mixture of love songs and political anthems, some dedicated to Terje’s wife and some the industrial workers across the world, all in the genre of ‘Vikingcowboy’ which possibly is a Terje Gravadal first, but something we need more of. Recording took place in his home in Odda, Norway at the Viking Haug apartments which was also used as the location for the CGI recreation of the Jutul family mansion in the Netflix television series “Ragnarok“. If you never watched the show take this time now to look up the apartments to see the gorgeous and lush valley views to let ‘The Gambler’ really seep into your bones.

First self titled track ‘The Gambler’ begins the journey in an upbeat manner, jangly country with passionate energy and it’s lyrical theme surrounds the heavy topic of insider trading committed by top politicians and their family members. A tune in which you could be smiling along, bopping your head, not realizing the weight of what you’re listening to. ‘Stay’ is a simplistic, stripped down and beautifully soulful track featuring Terje’s daughter Tuva Hidle Gravadal in this wonderful duet. ‘Diamond In My Soul’ is also a family affair featuring the vocals of daughter Frida Hidle Gravadal. Both love songs are dedicated to Gravadal’s wife Tove Hidle. ‘There Is A Man’ however is a track all about workaholics and gives nighttime drive vibes (perhaps listen to it on the way home from work?), and ‘Industrial Workers’ is the fervent last tune dedicated to the industrial workers worldwide who have made our societies possible.

As mentioned above, ‘The Gambler’ is a lovely combination of politics and worldly musings along with heart-filled odes, perfect for optimists and pessimists alike!

Sarah Medeiros