
Since the Official release of 099 last summer, TouchDesigner has received dozens of features and hundreds of improvements. These new additions have been maturing in the experimental 2018.20000 version and are now stable for production work in our Spring 2018 Official update.

Deep optimization to python expressions will noticeably improve performance in any project that uses them. This will also open up new ways of working as expressions in parameters will not add the performance hit they may have in the past.

Adding support for GPUDirect in camera libraries and certain SOPs opens a high-performance laneway right to your GPU. Geometry can now be streamed directly to the GPU using Alembic files output from your favourite 3D packages.

Interoperability has always been a hallmark of TouchDesigner. This version brings even more camera support via RealSense and Ximea, better audio support by leveraging Dante and Steam Audio SDK, improved DMX and sACN robustness, and adds completely new devices like Hokuyo laser scanners or PosiStageNet protocol-based systems.

Our new favorite video transfer format NDI gets some great performance improvements. To help you export your beautiful creations there is now support for H.265 and HAP encoding as well as built-in Image Sequence output options.

Helping you find answers to questions more quickly, rollover parameter help has been added to every parameter. OP Snippets in the Help menu has also been redesigned and now opens in your project to the specific operator you have currently selected.

TDAbleton, the realtime bridge between Ableton Live and TouchDesigner, is better than ever with audio analysis, lower latency, and better stability. Kantan Mapper, our quick 2D projection mapping tool has also been improved with Bezier soft edges, better mask control and UV map output.

Below are some highlights, and for more insight into Spring 2018 update see the Release Notes.

For more information visit here.