Instant Karma (02/4/2021)
Five fresh tunes that invaded our “sonic universe” will be presented every now and then with Instant Karma. Futhermore, we invented ‘The Karmo-meter’ for you. Ready? Go! Who: …
Five fresh tunes that invaded our “sonic universe” will be presented every now and then with Instant Karma. Futhermore, we invented ‘The Karmo-meter’ for you. Ready? Go! Who: …
Two legendary bands that defined two strongly related, if not inseparable, genres: A.R. Kane (interview) & My Bloody Valentine; Dream pop & Shoegaze. Textures & …
JIMMY EDGAR – ‘METAL’ feat. SOPHIE JIMMY EDGAR, the techno musician based out of Detroit, especially known for his erotic funk-tinged grooves, has a new cruncher …
Which 8 current gems will make it on this Hip Cassette round-up? Plug that rusty tape player in, press play and make sure you keep …
Two legendary bands that defined two strongly related, if not inseparable, genres: A.R. Kane (interview) & My Bloody Valentine; Dream pop & Shoegaze. Textures & …
Dope. playlist series will feature 10 recent gems, mostly focusing on emerging artists, you should, now or never, get round to. No genre boundaries applied, …
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