Indulge in the enchanting world of Zaadi Phillips, an enigmatic indie alternative group that recently graced us with their ethereal treasure, Colors. This mesmerizing composition was captured amidst the chaos of the Texas freeze in early 2021, as the band found themselves confined to a Motel 6. Amidst the backdrop of personal loss, the song beautifully explores the theme of finding solace and connection with departed loved ones, perceiving their presence despite their physical absence.

Sonically, envision the atmospheric allure of Beach House in the same studio with Deserter’s Songs-era Mercury Rev, and you may catch a glimpse of Zaadi Phillips’ captivating sound. Colors beckons you into a realm of delicate beauty and introspection, inviting you to embrace the transcendental journey it offers. Immerse yourself in this sonic tapestry, and allow yourself to be transported to a place where emotions intertwine and spirits linger, defying the boundaries of time and space.

