Hailing from the enchanting Saint Augustine, FL, the extraordinary five-piece ensemble The Best of Synthia recently unveiled their captivating 6-track EP, titled Houses. Within this remarkable musical collection lies a true gem, the EP’s opener and eponymous title track, gleaming brightly as one of its most exquisite gems. This particular composition, delicately crafted with utmost precision, effortlessly combines the allure of indie sensibilities with the electrifying essence of electronica. The result is a finely tuned indietronica gem, adorned with evocative melodies that effortlessly captivate the senses, accompanied by vocals that possess a delightful dizziness, transporting listeners to a mesmerizing sonic realm. Think of 2nd era Raadiohead jamming with Timber Timbre.

“The song is in a nut shell about how people often think they’re special, including myself, and we’re really all just stupid animals with insect brains living our lives out in different locations i.e houses. We’re not different at all and, in fact, all the same. The “all is fair” part I’m just quoting from John Lyly’s novel, “Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit” I know. Super deep.” TBoS

