Prepare to be captivated by the heartland rock sounds of Austin-based musician Rick Hornyak, and his new single, Continental Queen, from his highly anticipated sophomore LP titled Dandelion, set to be released on July 21. This track serves as a shining example of heartfelt americana, with Hornyak’s warm and soulful vocals leaving a lingering impact that resonates for days. Through his music, Hornyak fearlessly challenges notions of toxic masculinity, using his own experiences of childhood trauma as a catalyst for growth and healing. The love he shares with his wife and child becomes a cathartic force, allowing him to purge the pain and emerge stronger. With raw and emotive vocals that carry the weight of authenticity, Hornyak’s musical style bears resemblance to the likes of Tom Petty, The Replacements’ urgency, and the alt-country gravitas of Alejandro Escovedo.

