Based in London, UK but originally hailing from Athens, Greece, Return Flights, a musical project led by Kostas A, took flight in 2022 with The Tower, their debut single. The song’s genesis lies in a painting, a connection underscored by the animated portraits within the music video. The Tower strives to encapsulate the universal struggles—be they mental or physical—that punctuate our lives, while simultaneously serving as an anthem of hope. It reminds us that even amid life’s trials, there’s always something worth looking forward to. Rooted in the artist’s deep connection to a painting of his father, as seen in the video’s poignant conclusion, the song masterfully interprets the ongoing battle against our inner demons. Musically,

The Tower offers a harmonious blend of indie pop, chillwave, and dream pop, evoking echoes of beloved Greek indie pop bands like Narrow Paths and B-sides.

