Introducing the enigmatic Somdip Dey, the mastermind behind the persona known as InteliDey. He’s not your average scientist; he’s an Embedded Artificial Intelligence wizard, an engineering maverick, a visionary entrepreneur, a trailblazing AI art and music creator, and a mesmerizing TED speaker. Brace yourself for Warning, InteliDey’s inaugural foray into the realm of melodic deep house. This track is a pulsating journey, anchored by a commanding bassline, adorned with captivating melodies, and elevated by soothing vocals. What sets it apart, though, is that every sonic element, from chord progressions to melodies, is conjured by InteliDey’s very own musical AI. After being meticulously mixed and mastered by the maestro himself, Warning emerges as a sonic manifesto, heralding the dawn of a new era. It’s a clarion call to traditional producers, a proclamation that a new wave of artists empowered by AI is here, and it’s here to stay—for the better.