Nestled in a tranquil village near Bristol, the celebrated producer Henry Green has unveiled Outside, a mesmerizing foray into indie electronic realms. This sonic journey boasts divine melodies that intertwine seamlessly with flawless production. As the track unfolds, a gradual progression ensues, ultimately culminating in an awe-inspiring crescendo that stretches the boundaries of imagination. Picture the allure of BICEP, infused with Henry Green’s distinct artistic touch, and you’ve arrived at this enchanting masterpiece that transcends genres and leaves an indelible mark on the sonic landscape.

Make sure you also check the stunning video directed by Josh Aarons.

Henry Green shared the story on how the new single came about; “I remember writing the original sketch for Outside, during one of the many lockdowns here in the UK. I knew that, when writing the original chord progression, I wanted to work with a sample rather than my own vocal. It felt serendipitous the way that the sample was found. I stumbled across a recording of David Ruffin of The Temptations on my laptop. I’d seemingly downloaded it years prior to sample and that line ‘I want to go outside’ lined up almost perfectly as I was searching through my files. Obviously, the literal meaning resonated during that period of confinement, but it also resonated so strongly given the mental space I was in, and the desperation I was feeling to escape my own internal dialogue.

