Kalamata is a stoner psychedelic post rock band from Hildesheim Germany, formed in 2014 by Peter Jaun (guitars), Maik Blümke (bass) and Olly Opitz (drums). In May 2014 they released their first album ‘You‘ (Pink Tank Records), and now after almost three years, their second album ‘Disruption‘ is launching with more promises for the genre’s fans.
Remaining instrumental, the band seems to “dance” around the psychedelic sound and after a clear stoner first album, with ‘Disruption‘ they add more space elements trying to reach a more 70’s atmosphere. Like in their previous work, the tracks of ‘Disruption‘ form the sentence “My Erection Shows Me The Direction”. That can easily indicate an orgasmic trip full of climactic sounds and colors. Kalamata decently try to do this and they achieve it in some degree. They follow a classic recipe of stoner/psych rock multiplying often the heaviness of the riffs and the bass. The acoustic result is like it goes up and suddenly down to earth again. This occurs within the tracks but in the album as a whole as well, when the fourth track ‘Me‘ comes suddenly like a calm storm in the desert. Personally, I consider ‘Me‘ as my favorite one. In general, I enjoyed the whole album and I couldn’t say that necessarily has anything negative. Any “yes, but…” comment is clearly based on personal taste.
For example, I would like the drums to be more lively, and although Kalamata also include doom elements which darken their sound, I expected every track to have a kind of climax that would really blow me away. But as I’ve initially said, the band seems very promising and for sure they know what they are doing.
To conclude, ‘Disrputpion‘ is a rather dark trip and perhaps more interesting, and its long tracks will fly you safely through your deepest thoughts. I think it’s a nice surprise coming from Germany, and for sure I expect to hear more from Kalamata in the future!
Mary Kalaitzidou