The news were devastating, and still cannot get over, the death of Mary Tsoni last May. Joalz (revisit their interview), the band Mary used to sing, shared a song ‘Classified Lies‘ from their upcoming album ‘Amazing Moments‘, due out February 2018. And it gives us the shivers with the outstanding performance of Tsoni. This is a great typical Joalz’ song.
Press release from the band: ‘‘ Classified Lies ‘ taken from Joalz ‘ Amazing Moments ‘ album to be released on vinyl February 2018. Written by Leonidas Segkas & DImitris Zografos. Lyrics by Sunday Tipouikidis. Performed by Mary Tsoni. Additional guitars by Kimonas Vlachakis & James McEwan. Additional electric bass by Katerina Papachristou.Drums sounds recorded with percussionist Iakovos Pavlopoulos. Mixed & produced by Leon Segka. Mastered by Ekelon.Many Scribes Editions 2017. .In the memory of Mary Tsoni.‘
Never forget…
Christos Doukakis