Which 8 current gems will make it on this Hip Cassette round-up? Plug that rusty tape player in, press play and make sure you keep notes…

by Christos Doukakis


Soft Top Intrepid


lo-fi rock/fuzz pop

Unlucky Sevan

‘ZOOM’ (Feat. Big Rig) 

rap/alternative hip-hop

Long Tall Jefferson & Aloa Input

‘Everything Lost In Space’

indie folk/folktronica

Gold Record

‘Experiences- NC DREAMIX’

indie pop/nu-disco


Hank Midnight

‘None Supreme’

indietronica/dream pop

Carter Rose


cloud rap/alternative hip-hop


‘too good to be true’

alt pop/electro funk/nu-disco


‘hell yeah’

cloud rap

I remember Prince gave me a cassette of Purple Rain. It was like 20 minutes long and he asked me to write something on it. I tried for a month and then he came to L.A. I went to see him and said, “I can’t do it. It’s too perfect. It’s like ‘Stairway to Heaven.’” He said OK and then I go, “I can keep the cassette, right?” He said, “Of course and thank you for trying.”

Stevie Nicks