Gang Gang Dance the New York ambient dub/new age trio have shared the second official audio ‘J-TREE‘ (after ‘Lotus‘) from their upcoming new album ‘Kazuashita‘ due for release via 4AD on 22nd of June.
‘Kazuashita‘ will be the first full length after seven years (last one was 2011’s ‘Eye Contact‘). Their music is hard to describe, because of the combination of sounds and influences from many different genres. In general, their sound ranges between neo-psychedelia, ethereal noise and worldbeat. The new song may cause mixed feelings as it starts, but as it keeps going it gains the listener in a charming way. Their music is driven by percussion, and synths with the ethnic element audible, and more specifically in ‘J-TREE‘ with Indian elements and with new age vocals from the distinctive voice of Liz Bougatsos.
Eleftheria Gesou