
Mouth Breather is a promising 23 yr-old Toronto based eclectic/alt-pop artist (real name Owen Hooper) and judging by ‘Cinema‘ he is more than adept at creating catchy pop melodies with a very special and unique twist to attract the listener’s attnetion. Furthermore, regarding the video, it was created solely by the artist himself and is a deepfake, utilizing key framing techniques that superimposes his face onto some of the world’s most well recognized actors/actresses, in their respective movie scenes. We won’t spoil the surprise to betray which movies and actors/actresses are seen, but we strongly suggest (especially our cinephile readers) to check the video out!

Hope you are ready for this very special and unique ‘high-fidelity’ exclusive….

Cinema‘ is from Moth Breather’s upcoming debut album ‘Listerine Dream‘ this summer on August 14th, 2019.

Quote from Mouth Breather on the making of the “Cinema” video:
“I think a lot of kids get the film bug by watching good movies. Sometimes you’ll see a shot that’s so well composed that it makes you dream that you had the talent, resources and budget to pull something like that off on your own. For years I’ve wanted to make movies, but my attempts always ended up looking devastatingly underwhelming when stacked up to the films that influence me. When I wrote the song “Cinema”, I knew I wanted to make a music video that finally did justice to my years long desire to create pure kino. But how was I going to pull something off now that I had never been able to before? I can’t shoot on 70mm, I can’t fly to Austria and I don’t have the budget to work with Julie Andrews. In the end, the answer had been right in front of me the whole time. Imitation will never stack up to the original. So instead of wasting my time shooting absolute shit, I just stuck my face on some of my favourite cinematic moments. Now I’m living my dream life as Obi Wan, Magic Mike, Indie and Maria all without having to hire a fucking key grip.”
Short Bio:
Mouth Breather is the moniker of 23 yr-old Toronto based eclectic/alt-pop artist Owen Hooper. He’s on the internet all the time and totally up to date with culture i.e. which Soundcloud rapper just got a face tattoo. He also suffers from a sense of alienation and anxiety about what life is like, given how much of the world is taking place online. As a result, his songs are all believable and they tell stories, although they’re not at all what you would expect from regular “pop” music. There’s something sort of “uncanny valley” about his music, because Mouth Breather isn’t really sure what is real and what is fabricated reality.

Photo credit: Brian Van Wyk

The album is titled Listerine Dream and is Mouth Breather’s debut record, releasing August 14th 2019.

Listerine Dream – Tracklist
1 Crazy Eyes
2 Go2Bed
3 Shoes
4 Weakness
5 Rainbows
6 Boyfriend
7 Cinema
8 West World
9 The Dream

Mouth Breather Tour Dates 

August 15 – Toronto, ON @ Monarch Tavern
August 17 – Elora, ON @ Riverfest
August 20 – Hamilton, ON @ The Casbah
August 22 – Kingston, ON @ The Mansion
August 24 . Montreal, QC @ The Diving Bell