
Morus Alba is an experimental rock band based in New York and New Jersey, featuring Marcel Rudin on vocals and guitar, Sebastian Martinez on guitar, Micah Prussack on bass, and Daniel Risdon on drums. In advance of their upcoming record, ‘Nightmare/Miracle, the four-piece is sharing the album’s first single, ‘Sea Machine‘, exclusively on Last Day Deaf.

Sea Machine‘ begins with a soft guitar strum, only accompanied by Rudin’s pondering about his personal growth. His bandmates first join him at a matching tenderness, but gradually accumulate intensity.  “This is a song about being invisible,” Rudin said about the track. “Found it fitting to compare that with the feeling of being a child, not understanding anything around you or feeling utterly ignored. It also doubles as a description of dissociation.” The track eventually embodies that dissociation. As guitars spiral in rapid succession and bass and drums form circles around one another, Rudin shouts with a pop-punk-like inflection, “‘Cause I never wanted to know.” The four rise and rise until they dip back to their original resting place, only to then rebuild themselves for another magically organized chaos.

Sea Machine‘ is Morus Alba’s first single off of their second album, ‘Nightmare/Miracle, out March 30. “This is our album about being stuck in purgatory, knowing when to shut up, and appreciating your partner’s smelly breath in the morning,” the band shared. The album will be available on Spotify and Bandcamp.

If you live in New York and can’t wait until later this month to hear more from Morus Alba, check them out live at Brooklyn’s Trans Pecos tonight alongside Died, Fat Randy, and Feyer.
