
Ambient Syndrome is all about atmosphere & mood. Reading about the term of ambient music we find: “...a genre of instrumental music that focuses on sound patterns more than melodic form and is used to create a certain atmosphere or state of mind….” Are you ready for the trip?

Eight new, transcendent “sonic adventures” for the  quest  ad infinitum…


Sylph – ‘…I’m Trying’

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fredrsngrn – ‘maskrosbarnets sista dans’

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Imaginary Towers – ‘Deep Time’

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ILUITEQ – ‘Above, The Sky’

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Cheryl B. Engelhardt – ‘The Light That’s Left’

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Max Corbacho – ‘A Connection to the Wonder, Pt. 1’

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Prospector Sound – ‘Empty Spaces’

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Aatom – ‘Hauema’ – Slim Vic Remix

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‘Narrated’ by: Christos Doukakis