Groove on, (take 75)
Six recent tunes of the ‘mind-blowing’ jazz, jazztronica, afro-jazz (and the list goes on, but jazz is the basis!) , with endless groove, to… Groove …
Six recent tunes of the ‘mind-blowing’ jazz, jazztronica, afro-jazz (and the list goes on, but jazz is the basis!) , with endless groove, to… Groove …
Electronic Vortex will put a spotlight on the hard hitting, groovy, edgy and above all dance-able aspect of electronic music featuring 8 fresh tunes to trip the …
Nine “fresh n’ Green”, ultra tasty tunes to feed your music appetite. We are pretty confident, you don’t wanna miss those ones right? KLANGPLANET – ‘Stardust’ …
This 21st edition of Ready to be your Soundtrack includes the melancholic synth pop sensation, by Swedish trio MORE, a new wave/indie electro hybrid with …
20 electrify-ing(!) tales from the recent digital electronic “crop”. From gabber to dubstep and even further… Fried Dough – ‘Who Is The Dreamer‽’ A dazzling …
amplitude: The amount of a signal. Amplitude is measured by determining the amount of fluctuation in air pressure (of a sound), voltage (of an electrical signal), …
Dope. playlist series will feature 10 recent gems, mostly focusing on emerging artists, you should, now or never, get round to. No genre boundaries applied, …
Nine “fresh n’ Green”, ultra tasty tunes to feed your music appetite. We are pretty confident, you don’t wanna miss those ones right? Gone Sugar Die …
amplitude: The amount of a signal. Amplitude is measured by determining the amount of fluctuation in air pressure (of a sound), voltage (of an electrical signal), …
What inspired you to first start making music? And how did you come to be in your current incarnation? Or if you prefer, a brief …
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