Ambient Syndrome is all about atmosphere & mood. Reading about the term of ambient music we find: “...a genre of instrumental music that focuses on sound patterns more than melodic form and is used to create a certain atmosphere or state of mind….” Are you ready for the trip?
Eight new, transcendent “sonic adventures” for the quest ad infinitum…
Simon Posford – ‘Germination’
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Crystal Silenz – ‘Abstract Glass’
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Jack Quinn – ‘The Card’
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Afnimaran – ‘Heighliner’
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Tristan Welch – ‘Asset/Defect’
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Samuel – ‘Matthew 7:7’
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Colourmusic – ‘Location One (35° 39′ 10.091_ NLongitude_97° 46′ 50.027_ W)’
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Antonis Pratsinakis – ‘Metite’
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‘Narrated’ by: Christos Doukakis