London’s acclaimed duo, Temptress, makes a triumphant return with their infectious new single, Cuppa Tea. Blending r&b and alt-pop with hints of indie and hip-hop, they craft a shimmering, breezy, and effortlessly beautiful sound that has garnered widespread acclaim. The eclectic vibes, stylish production, and divine vocals promise an ear-melting experience that will leave you captivated. So, sit back, relax, and indulge in the smooth sounds of Temptress as they take you on a musical journey like no other.
Speaking on the track the band share: “‘Cuppa tea’ is a tongue and cheek song about early moments getting to know someone. The sweet taste of the ‘honeymoon’ period where everything just clicks. The track references where we both grew up, playing with UK cliché’s like being someone’s ‘cuppa tea’ & hanging out at a Greasy spoon.”