Folklore, the ethereal 4th single from the Los Angeles-based composer Cyrus Reynolds‘ opus, a 20-track symphonic odyssey, emanates cinematic grandeur. Reynolds conjures an enchanting realm with live orchestra, solo violin, bowed guitar, and electronics. Lush, shimmering violins and emotive bass lines elicit wonder and tranquility, unfurling a portal to the mystical mangrove forests of the American South, his wellspring of inspiration. Darkly mystical, beautifully twisted, this opus weaves a symphonic tale, painting vivid pictures of the hanging Spanish moss. Violin suspensions echo its suspended magic, while flickers of light resonate in melodic cascades, narrating gnarled trunks and boughs. The result is a mesmerizing journey, a fusion of sound and story, transporting you to a world where nature’s enigma dances in symphonic splendor.

