Berlin-based outfit Bestial Mouths, originally from NYC and LA, continues to explore the solitary path of music creation. This time, they unveil a grandiose and emotionally charged track titled Road Of Thousand Tears, accompanied by an evocative music video. True to its title, the song exudes intense drama, capturing the listener’s emotions fully. It’s a part of their new album, R.O.T.T. (inmyskin), released under Negative Gain Productions.
Imagine taking a Phil Spector ballad and immersing it in a Zola Jesus-esque sonic universe, and then pairing it with a compelling “Silent Hill“-alike video directed by Katarina Sjostrand. The result is a dark and atmospheric masterpiece that stands out as one of the most impactful offerings of 2023. Bestial Mouths continues to push boundaries, delivering an unforgettable sonic and visual experience for their audience.