Anna Krantz, a renowned singer-songwriter, begins the new year with her touching single The Gift. Inspired by the late comedian Leslie Jordan’s belief in happiness as a choice, Krantz explores themes of self-discovery and finding joy within. Reflecting on Jordan’s philosophy, she delves into her personal journey, seeking to understand the essence of true happiness. Jordan’s passing prompted Krantz to delve deeper into his words, shaping the backdrop for her heartfelt track. The Gift serves as both a tribute to Jordan’s wisdom and a reminder of the importance of cultivating happiness as an ongoing practice.

Happiness is a discipline, Like a wise man said / It’s a choice that you make, Everyday when you wake, Give thanks for the day ahead / It’s yours to create, Anytime you think you’ve lost your way, Remember this, Happiness is the gift that you give to yourself / So give it to yourself now?” ~ The Gift

