FLEETING VISIT’ is a stunningly eccentric compilation of musical artwork, an EP collaboration between London based r&b artist ANASTÁZIE and co-producer The Musa. ANASTÁZIE is of Czech and Armenian descent, and these aspects were brought into the four tracks, with each country’s traditional music mixed throughout. A melting pot of sonics, ‘FLEETING VISIT’ combines elements of afro-beats, baile funk, pop, dancehall, and the aforementioned r&b along with the more traditional sounds, creating an incredibly fresh – and dare I say it – innovative piece of art. ANASTÁZIE’s vocals build to a euphoric peak immediately from the start of ‘HAJIME’ and carry on. The track is summertime dancehall perfection, filling the listener with a sunny carefree attitude. ‘TEMPTATION’ features afro-beats producer Skondtrack in combination with ANASTÁZIE’s gorgeous Armenian vocal techniques, and next track ‘JUNGLE’ is mostly funk carioca and features Prague based DJ Kewu. Both are filled with levity. ‘WILDNESS’ is possibly the closest to straight up r&b structure wise, even then urging you to lose yourself in a club or dance floor somewhere.

It bears mentioning that ANASTÁZIE & The Musa’s production style throughout is crisp, clean as a new penny, and funky, helping to amplify each tune to wondrous heights. I’d be hard pressed to pick a favorite off this EP, as each track is strikingly unique.b‘FLEETING VISIT’ will definitely be one of the best EPs of the year.

Sarah Medeiros