
Ambient Syndrome is all about atmosphere & mood. Reading about the term of ambient music we find: “...a genre of instrumental music that focuses on sound patterns more than melodic form and is used to create a certain atmosphere or state of mind….” Are you ready for the trip?

Eight new, transcendent “sonic adventures” for the  quest  ad infinitum…

—For “Trans-Millenia Consort” Pauline Anna Strom—


Pauline Anna Strom – ‘Marking Time

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Coupler – ‘The Great Wave’

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Fire Haste Music – ‘Sleep Slopes’

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Kevin Kerrigan – ‘Breathe’

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Perry Frank – ‘Future Is A Ghost’

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Morteza Jahangiri – ‘Guo Death’

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Permaheal – ‘Coastal Sleep’

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Stephen Caulfield – ‘Vials of Water’

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‘Narrated’ by: Christos Doukakis