
What inspired you to first start making music? And how did you come to be in your current incarnation? Or if you prefer, a brief bio about you.

We’ve always been involved in common musical scenes and projects between Rennes and Paris, Yann was already playing in Maria False at that time. When Brice and Yann both came from Rennes to Paris in 2012 they started playing together, and recorded, completely sick, the first EP Abyss in 2013 in Lannion (Brittany). I (Pauline) joined the band during the winter of this same year. Then we released all together our first album Horizons (RPUT) in 2015, and toured in China in septembre 2016. We took our time, and now we released our second album, Manners in February.

Provide us with some info about your latest release…

Manners is a mix of our noisy and cold influences, more violent and straightforward atmosphere than Horizons LP which was more atmospheric, cold and pop in a way. We worked with two record labels on that release, Third Coming Records based in Paris, and Metropolis Records based in Philadelphia. The artwork is a painting by the talented Marion Costentin who also did our first LP artwork.

Which ones would you consider your main influences both music-wise & non-music-wise?

The Jesus and Mary Chain is a major common influence for us, then obviously all the 80-90’s post-punk, and shoegaze music scene, we all have different influences that we bring up in the band.

In what way does your sound differ from the rest genre-related artists/bands and why should we listen to your music? In other words, how would you describe your sound?

Our sound is what it is : a drum machine, a guitar, a keyboard, a bass guitar, and vocals. There’s a lot of possibilities thanks to the drum machine and the keyboards, so we are playing with this. We really decided to reduce the number of layers, to simplify the sound to make it sound better, and tried new things during the creative process.
We use classic structures but we always try to make it sound a bit different and weird.
For Manners we wanted something more striking and direct, but we would probably do something completely different later.
But in few words, we would said that our sound is straightforward, weirdly personal, with a hint of irony. It’s pretty much like riding a car with your buddies, being able to go from laugher to tears without taking anything too seriously because we’re not launching a rocket.

Please name your 3 desert islands albums, movies & books…

Brice : Eagulls – Eagulls, Gremlins 1, Robinson Crusoë by Daniel Defoe

Yann : Oasis – Definitely Maybe, Falling Down by Joel Schumacher

Pauline : A low tone Tibetan bowl, GTA IV, The I King or Book of Changes


Do you prefer studio or performing live and why?

We like both, but performing live is always something special. If we spend time playing in a studio it’s always to perform the songs live one day.

Is there any funny-unique story you would like to share with us, always in relation to your music ‘career’?

In 2015, we played in Lorient at Le Manège for the festival Les IndisciplinéEs. We were playing first part for The Soft Moon and La Mverte. Bernard, Yann’s cousin, who’s mixing our sound and often does the sound engineering for us, was there with us.
We met Alexandre (La Mverte) in the backstage, and shared some drinks all together.
We played. Soft Moon played. Then it was La Mverte turn.
For whatever reason, Bernard and Alexandre had a « deal ». So he started playing is set, and few mins after, Bernard, who’s a very tall, thin and impressive guy, came on stage with a mojito kit. He installed his cutting board on the table, took out a knife, started cutting lemons and mint leafs, poured rhum, added sugar, mixed the all thing, and gave it to the show man. Both with unblinking faces. And as he came, he left the stage.

Which track of your own would you point out as the most unique and why?

There is one track called « Time Out ». We tried to record it again and again, we even played it live, but it never worked. We tried in 2013, 2015, 2017, it has literally never worked. So we gave up and threw it away. For this reason, it’s a pretty unique track.

Would you like to share with our readers your future plans?

For now we’re gonna be back on stage to play the new LP, that’s already something, then we’ll see, going with the flow.

Free question!!! (Ask yourself a question) you wish to answer and haven’t been given the opportunity.

How much time of your life did you spend thinking about music? And what else could you have done?

Photo credits: David Queré (1st one), Jérôme Sevrette (2nd one)

Curated by: Christos Doukakis

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